CIPP in Montana

UV CIPP Project Helps to Preserve a National Historic Site in Montana

Imagine working at a jobsite that is surrounded by nature’s most beautiful land. The site is peaceful and quiet. It’s a relaxing place filled with activities such as hiking, fishing and more.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, this project worksite was located at Montana’s Big Hole National Battlefield.

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The area is administered by the National Park Service and is located on 1,011 acres 10 miles west of Wisdom, Montana.

CIPP in Montana

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History books tell us that as American settlers moved West and justified westward expansion as the nation’s Manifest Destiny, the Nez Perce had no alternative except to share their ancestral lands. Eventually, Americans’ interest in the land’s riches and cultural conflicts between the settlers and the Nez Perce led to bloody battles.

One of the many battles, the Battle of the Big Hole in Wisdom, Montana, changed the outcome of the Nez Perce War of 1877. Today, Big Hole National Battlefield continues to tell the story of that battle and honor the memory of the Nez Perce men, women and children and the American soldiers who lost their lives on this land.

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In 2020, the landscape is remarkably intact, combining to create a scene very similar to the one that existed in 1877. The landscape includes a lush forest, a horse pasture on the hillside, the open meadows, a winding river and the topography of the mountain slope.

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CIPP in Montana

Completing the Job While Preserving History

When it came time to rehab a sanitary sewer clay pipe that runs through this historic site, not just anyone would do. Protecting the pristine and historic land was critical. iMPREG LLC teamed with Allied Trenchless out of Richland, Washington, to take on this delicate task and get the job done right.

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The project involved installing and curing 773 ft of 6-in. in the historic location. Allied Trenchless was able to professionally and accurately execute the task without harming any of the surrounding site.

“It was both a challenging and rewarding job. We were able to do the job and keep the landscape intact,” said Allied Trenchless project manager Luis Magana.

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RELATED: Ultraviolet Curing Continues to Make Inroads in the CIPP Market

CIPP in Montana

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The pipe rehabilitation project took 10 days to complete. Magana said Allied Trenchless always likes working with iMPREG, which is a manufacturer of fiberglass reinforced, UV cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) liners, located in Richmond, Virginia. “They are easy to work with and are there when you need something. They are our go-to guys.”

Magana was more than happy with the project and he added with a smile, “It was like working in a place where you would take a vacation.”

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This story was provided by iMPREG LLC.

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