Tulsa Rig Iron Celebrates 30 Years of Service

Tulsa Rig Iron celebrated the company’s 30th anniversary by hosting a luncheon on Sept. 20 at its state-of-the-art 40-acre manufacturing facility in Kiefer, Oklahoma.


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The company was founded in September 1987 by J.D. Young, and was originally a full line manufacturer and supplier to the horizontal directional drilling (HDD) industry. After J.D.’s sudden passing in 2004, sons Trevor and Troy Young took the company helm and started the process of consolidating product lines and streamlining their manufacturing processes.  We now focus on manufacturing world class mud pumps, mud recycling systems, and hydrostatic test pump packages.

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“To think that the company is now 30 years old and to realize our dad has been gone almost 14 years now, means Troy and I have been guiding the company for almost as long as our dad- is a very surreal realization,” says Trevor Young. “We were pleasantly surprised to have so many former employees attend our celebration. It meant a lot to us for them to take time out of their busy schedules to come back and see how things have changed since they were last here. We would also like to thank all of our customers, current employees, and former employees, because without them none of this would have been possible.”

In an industry marked by many mergers and acquisitions, the 30-year mark is notable and a testament to the dedicated and hard-working team at Tulsa Rig Iron and a loyal and growing customer base.

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“What a difference 30 years makes. Tulsa Rig Iron comes from very humble beginnings and lots of hard work. I was a 14 year old boy 30 years ago but remember it like it was yesterday. Reflecting back to the early days it’s hard to believe where we are today,” says Troy Young, vice president. “Many thanks to J.D. for building the foundation our company stands on today. Tulsa Rig Iron continues to build and improve our equipment so that we can bring the best product to our customers. I’m amazed at where we are today and give credit and thanks to all of our dedicated employees and customers who have supported us and gotten us to the 30-year mark.”

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Additional information on the company can be found at tulsarigiron.com.


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