TRIC Tools Inc. Hires Grenier as Municipal Sales Director

Grenier comes with 20 years of engineering, sales and management experience at RS Technical. For the past 25 years, RS Technical has been an innovative and driving force in the closed circuit television (CCTV) camera inspection of underground pipelines.

While at RST Services, Grenier served as western regional manager, national sales manager and for the past two years served as vice president of sales.

“We’re excited to have Bob join TRIC, as he brings a lot of industry knowledge and resources to our sales team, said TRIC CEO Ward Carter.

TRIC Tools Inc. is an infrastructure and environmental solutions company that provides proprietary technology, tools and services for trenchless rehabilitation and replacement of sewer, water, gas and other difficult to access underground pipes. TRIC holds four U.S. and International patents for its device and method of trenchless pipe bursting. In 1997, TRIC established the standards and created the industry for lateral replacement (home’s sewer line) using its pipe bursting technology. TRIC continues to re-engineer its technology for new markets, expanding upon its domestic sewer lateral tools with the introduction of innovative solutions for mainline sewer, drinking water and gas distribution pipelines.

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