2017 World Trenchless Day

Trenchless Technology’s World Trenchless Day 2017 Activities

World Trenchless Day 2017World Trenchless Day 2017 is Sept. 28 and Trenchless Technology has big plans to commemorate the second annual event.


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First and foremost, be sure to register for our free webinar, “Big Reveal: 2017 Trenchless Technology Projects of the Year.” Considered the premier projects award in the trenchless industry, this is the 25th year that Trenchless Technology has awarded and recognized the best trenchless projects.

The live webinar event starts at 2 p.m. EDT with managing editor Sharon Bueno formally announcing the winners of the 2017 Trenchless Technology Projects of the Year for Rehabilitation and New Installation. During the webinar, you will hear from the award winners as they present their winning projects, sharing the details that made them outstanding.

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Read More and Register Here

On the fun side of things, Trenchless Technology wants to know how our friends in the trenchless-verse – you know the trenchless universe – view the importance of the trenchless industry. Here’s the catch, and where your creativity comes into play, you need to do it in four words. That’s right, on World Trenchless Day (28-09-17) we want to hear from our Twitter followers and our Facebook friends. Let the world know why you go trenchless using the hashtag #IGoTrenchlessIn4Words.

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Here’s an example: Because it saves trees #IGoTrenchlessIn4Words

Be creative! We’ll be sharing and retweeting from our Facebook and Twitter accounts to help spread the pro-trenchless message. Some of the best responses will be part of our World Trenchless Day recap in the November issue of Trenchless Technology.

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If you have anything planned for World Trenchless Day let us know, like our friends at CDM Smith did earlier this week with a 2017 update to their hugely popular Trenchless Technology – A Journey Through the History.

Also, be sure to look to the World Trenchless Day Twitter (@TrenchlessDay) and the World Trenchless Day Facebook page for an exciting announcement regarding the future of World Trenchless Day. For ideas on what to do on World Trenchless Day or to show your support, visit worldtrenchlessday.org.

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