
Trenchless Technology Game Changers: Wyo-Ben


Wyo-Ben – High Performance Drilling Products

For over 70 years Wyo-Ben, Inc. has been providing both bentonite-based products as well as polymer-based products to the various industries they support, including the trenchless industry. Wyo-Ben’s high quality drilling fluid products are the innovative results of field driven solutions. Products that have been used in successful projects around the world. Our knowledgeable customer service, research and salespeople bring industry leading products to the marketplace by being dedicated to the customer’s goals. One such product that is a staple in the industry is Tru-Bore. Tru-Bore is a highly concentrated bentonite-based drilling fluid designed for difficult drilling operations in both vertical and horizontal boring. For more information about Tru-Bore and other Wyo-Ben products for the trenchless industry call (406) 652-6351 or visit www.wyoben.com.

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