Vivax Metrotech Locator

Vivax Metrotech – The vLoc3 RTK-Pro Utility Locator with Survey-Grade GNSS  

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The vLoc3 RTK-Pro locator is the first to add RTK GNSS accuracy to a utility locator. Using the RTK-Pro internal cellular module with 4G LTE capabilities, the operator can connect to an NTRIP RTK (Real-Time Kinematic ) caster that provides RTCM 3 corrections. By utilizing these corrections, the operator can collect utility location data and the utility’s geographical location with survey-grade accuracy.

The RTK-Pro is much more than a utility locator. It can locate pipes and cables and also record the locations of maintenance holes, valve boxes, cable splices, marking stakes, EMS markers and fire hydrants. The locations of these objects can be stored in the cloud and easily recalled using the locator’s “walk-back feature.”

The Walk-back feature allows the field technician to quickly walk back to a previously located point in four simple steps. First, fetch the walk-back point from the cloud over 4G. Second, follow the guidance arrow on the receivers screen directing you to the general area of interest. Third, when you are within ten feet of the walk-back point, the screen changes to the “zero in” screen. Lastly, when reaching the walk-back point, the receiver confirms its location and shows the matching GPS coordinates.

The RTK-Pro is designed with intuitive locate screens that are easy to navigate, making it suitable for operators at all levels. All locate field data is seamlessly sent to the cloud and retained in the receiver’s onboard storage for review and export to mapping programs, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly experience.

The user-configurable receiver contains eight passive locate modes, fault find mode, Signal Direction, and a range of frequencies from 98Hz to 200kHz. Users can also configure visual and mechanical vibration alerts for shallow depth, overload, overhead cables, and excessive swinging. 

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