Trenchless Technology Canada Editor’s Message – Closing Out 2023
Hello all, I hope that as the year winds down you’re finding some time to relax and enjoy the company of friends and family. On behalf of the entire team at Trenchless Technology Canada, we wish all our readers a joyous holiday season and a happy and prosperous new year.
As I was pulling together info for this column, I decided to have a gander at the fourth quarter edition of FMI’s Canadian Engineering and Construction Outlook. The report is part of FMI’s overall North American Engineering and Construction Outlook.
Some of the key takeaways in the Canadian section is that the total engineering and construction spending for Canada is forecasted to end 2023 down 3 per cent, after climbing 12 per cent last year. This number includes residential construction, nonresidential buildings and nonbuilding structures. FMI expects a year-end growth rate greater than 5 per cent in the religious, public safety, amusement and recreation, transportation, communication, manufacturing, highway and street, sewage and waste disposal, conservation and development, and water supply sectors.
While being down any amount is not good for the overall construction industry, increases in the sectors pertaining to our underground infrastructure is a good sign. It indicates that work continues, and new projects are going to bid. This also jives with what I heard in many of my conversations No-Dig North 2023 in Edmonton in October.
Chatting with engineers, contractors and owners alike, everyone noted major projects under way, out to tender or coming soon to tender.
That’s why it’s so important to attend these in-person events. Yes, many people share their great works on platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook, but actually talking to someone in-person and making that face-to-face connection is a key to success in this industry.
Speaking of No-Dig North, it was another great event and NASTT’s Canadian Chapters have the numbers to back that up. It really sets the stage for great things in 2024 as the event heads to Niagara Falls, Ontario.
And, looking at some of the great projects completed in the last year is our annual review of the to trenchless engineering firms in Canada. We asked the firms that reported Canadian revenue on Trenchless Technology’s Top 50 North American Trenchless Engineering Firms survey to submit a short recap of a key project in which they were involved.
If project recaps, like these, are something that interests you, or it’s something you’d like to share, please reach out and let me know. If I receive enough positive feedback on the section, we might be able to include a regularly published listing in our quarterly issues.
2024 Here We Come!
I can’t believe we are knocking on the door of 2024. And it will certainly be off to a busy start as the Trenchless Technology Canada team will head to Indianapolis, Indiana Jan. 24-27 for the WWETT Show. That’s right, the industry’s top sewer and water equipment show is a full month earlier this year. As always, for more information you can visit
If you’re headed to the WWETT Show, drop me a line. I’d love to connect in-person and get your take on what’s new and interesting at the show. I’ll be walking the floor, or you can find us at Booth #4265.
Happy Holidays and until next time, cheers!
Mike Kezdi, Managing Editor
O: 330-752-1916