TRENCHLESS MIDDLE EAST Showcases the Biggest International Show in Its History

Westrade Group Ltd.The eighth in theTRENCHLESS MIDDLE EAST series held in Dubai, March 18-19 presented the biggestevent in its history, showcasing a wide range of trenchless technology showcasedby more than 100 companies.

Exhibitors weredrawn from the United Arab Emirates, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)countries, United States and Russia. In addition, there was a significant presence from European countriesincluding those participating in the German Pavilion. The exhibition was busy with a steady flow of visitors drawnfrom several countries and the majority of exhibitors reporting a high level ofinterest and optimism for future business as a direct result of the show. There was also evidence thatnegotiations for equipment sales were also sealed at the show.

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Westrade Group Ltd.The Conferenceprogram also attracted its highest attendance of 285 delegates. A keynote presentation was madeby ISTT past chairman, Dr. Dec Downey. The first day presented a wide range of papers both on new constructiontechniques, as well as rehabilitation, while Day 2 continued with more paperson the rehabilitation theme.

Event directorPaul Harwood commented, “We are delighted to have presented a trulyinternational event once again at TRENCHLESS MIDDLE EAST this year. This is the only event dedicated tothis specialised market in the region and we welcome the excellent support fromour exhibitors and sponsors, as well as the municipalities and utilitycompanies who signed up to attend the conference and exhibition.”

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Westrade Group Ltd.TRENCHLESS MIDDLE EASTis organized by U.K.-based Westrade Group Ltd., which has been organizingNO-DIG and TRENCHLESS events in the United Kingdom, the Middle East and FarEast since the very first No-Dig held in 1985.

TRENCHLESS MIDDLEEAST is scheduled to return to the Jumeirah Beach Conference & ExhibitionCentre in 2015.

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For moreinformation from Westrade Group, email: or ph:0845 094 8066.

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