The Toro Co. Welcomes New Dealers to Network
TheToro Co. has announced five additional underground equipment dealers to itscomprehensive distribution network. The following equipment dealerships willnow carry the full line of Toro underground equipment, including directionaldrills, compact utility loaders, trenchers, vibratory plows and stump grinders:
- RedheadEquipment in Regina, Saskatchewan
- YukonEquipment Inc. in Anchorage, Alaska
- QualityEquipment Company L.P. in San Antonio and Austin, Texas
- FlaglerConstruction Equipment in Orlando, Fla.
- Hawthorne Catin San Diego, Calif.
“Thesenew additions to the Toro Underground family will not only provide trustedunderground equipment to new markets, but will also provide the high level ofservice and support that end users have come to expect from Toro,” explainsButch Greeninger, senior national sales manager for Toro. “We are pleased tohave these top-notch dealers representing the Toro brand,” he adds.
Eagerto offer the new product line to their customers throughout Saskatchewan, GaryRedhead, principal of Redhead Equipment said, “The Toro name is a well-knownand trusted brand across the board, and that fact resonates with ourcustomers.” Redhead Equipment has been in business since 1948, and has beenfamily-owned since 1968.
FlaglerEquipment, another new dealer now carrying the Toro Underground product line,has been serving the Florida market for more than 25 years. Mark McDonell, presidentof Flagler Construction Equipment LLC is also looking forward to the newfoundpartnership with Toro. “It’s simply another great line to offer our customers,”he explains.
SinceDecember 2012, Toro has added 12 underground equipment dealers to its growingdistribution network.