Tennessee Engineer Is ‘I Go to No-Dig’ Winner
January 14, 2015
The submissions are in! The winner of the inaugural
North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT) “I Go to No-Dig” social media contest is Greg Clark, P.E., wastewater rehabilitation manager for Cleveland Utilities in Cleveland, Tenn.Entries came in via, LinkedIn, Twitter and e-mail and the NASTT staff randomly selected Clark’s entry via e-mail. With the win, Clark secured a free full-conference registration to the 2015 NASTT No-Dig Show in Denver, a prize worth $950.
Here is why Clark attends the annual NASTT No-Dig Show:
“I go to NASTT’s No-Dig Show to view the newest trenchless technologies, to listen to knowledgeable speakers and to network with other professionals about the problems we encounter on our projects and look for new and innovative ways to resolve these problems. The speakers, technical professionals and attendees experience and advice is second to none.”
Social media is all about interacting with others and, in addition to the full conference registration, NASTT awarded a $100 VISA gift card to the most creative entry. The winner is prolific tweeter @NoDigMaine, aka Ted Berry Company Inc. vice president Matt Timberlake, whom many know from his #drainspotting tweets.
Timberlake tweeted, “I go to @NoDigShow to be around people that are as passionate about trenchless as me!” The tweet included a photo of Timberlake at a project site standing atop a TT Technologies 1250G pipe-bursting machine.
Though the contest is over, there is still plenty of time to register for NASTT’s 2015 No-Dig Show, set for March 15-19 in Denver. Register now through Feb. 6 to take advantage of early bird rates. Visit www.nodigshow.com for more information.
The NASTT No-Dig Show is the largest trenchless technology conference in North America, where professionals attend to learn new techniques that will save money and improve infrastructure. NASTT’s No-Dig Show offers six tracks and 160 peer-reviewed, non-commercial presentations, including case studies detailing environmentally friendly trenchless solutions and cost-saving opportunities for municipalities and utilities. Whether you’re a newcomer or a show veteran, NASTT’s No-Dig Show is the must-attend conference for underground infrastructure professionals.