SWIM Center at Virginia Tech Conducting Pressure Pipe Survey
September 24, 2015
The Sustainable Water Infrastructure Management (SWIM) Center at Virginia Tech is conducting a nationwide survey of pressure pipelines to understand the water industry’s perspective on pipe performance. TThe survey is one of the largest to be conducted on drinking water and force main pipelines. Responses and affiliation will remain completely anonymous and will only be used for analysis.
The objective of this study is to assess pipeline operation and maintenance costs, performance indicators and user perceptions.
This survey is designed to provide following information:
• Average operation and maintenance cost per mile
• Pipe usage patterns (segmented by pipe material, diameter, etc.)
• Decision factors in selecting different pipeline materials
• Pipe failure characteristics
• User perception of pipe performance
Analysis of the collected data and information will be carried out in different pipeline categories, EPA regions, utility sizes, etc. to publish a report.
Participants of the survey will be acknowledged and we will send a free copy of the published report.
Follow this link to fill out the survey.