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Trenchless Technology Canada – Spring 2018 Association Updates

Editor’s Note: On a quarterly basis Trenchless Technology Canada features the “Association Updates” section to highlight the happenings in the various associations across Canada related to the trenchless field. Information is provided by the associations.


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Centre for Advancement of Trenchless TechnologiesCentre for Advancement of Trenchless Technologies (CATT)

Winter 2018 has been very busy with a number of workshops and research initiatives going at full swing. CATT conducted two-day Trenchless Technology 101 course with Ontario Good Roads Association. This was followed by workshops on Microtunnelling for Pressure and Gravity Pipelines; State-of-the-practice review of infrastructure asset management systems; and Return on Investment for Pressure Pipeline Condition Assessment. Drs. Mark Knight and Rizwan Younis also delivered in-house trenchless training workshop for Enbridge Gas at their Ottawa facility.

CATT courses and workshops are eligible for CEUs (continuing education units) and PDUs (professional development units). CATT has also obtained Canadian Construction Association’s Gold Seal Certification for four of its courses.

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CATT staff and volunteers have been busy with the 2018 Trenchless Technology Road Show that will take place in London, Ontario from May 15-17. This will undoubtedly be the biggest trenchless event in Canada with more than 95 per cent of the exhibit hall sold out, 11 technical sessions, live demos, and four pre-event workshops.

RELATED: Largest Canadian Trenchless Seminar & Trade Show Coming to London, Ontario

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CATT has partnered again with Fleming College to offer a four-day HDD field school, a unique hands-on course where students spend half of the time in class and half in the field, from June 25-28. The program is eligible for Canada Job Grant program, in which employers have to pay only one third of the cost to train their employees. The course is also eligible for Director Approved credits by the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change.

CATT students and staff continued to work on Southern Ontario Water Consortium (SOWC) funded initiatives to evaluate the asset management readiness for the Ontario municipalities and to develop a simple tool to quantify greenhouse gas emissions from the wastewater treatment plants. Work on building the new hydrostatic design basis (HDB) testing lab for testing lining materials for pressure pipelines continued. CATT is also working on the subsurface utility engineering (SUE) study sponsored by over half a dozen industry partners.

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It’s been very exciting winter term and we look forward to a successful Trenchless Technology Road Show.

NASTT British Columbia ChapterNASTT British Columbia Chapter

Spring has sprung here in beautiful British Columbia, and opportunities for trenchless specialists are abundant! More and more trenchless contracts are coming out as trenchless technologies become a more main-stream and recognizable method of utility installation.

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The BC chapter board of directors has seen some changes this year, with Kieran Field stepping down as chair and Karl Muller stepping up to the plate. We’ve also seen a number of new members join the board. This will all be updated on the NASTT website shortly.

This season we’ll be going back to basics, presenting Trenchless Technologies 101 lunch and learns throughout the lower mainland and BC Interior. If you are interested in hosting such a lunch and learn, please contact us at the email address provided below.

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We awarded our Annual Camosun College Bursary again this year, to a very deserving team. The winning submission was on trenchless technologies as a method of pipe rehabilitation with the comparison of one local and one international case study. This bursary is now in its fourth year.

If you want more information on our chapter and our events please contact us at

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NASTT Northwest ChapterNASTT Northwest Chapter

We closed out another great Technical Lunch Program in both Edmonton and Calgary, where we spotlighted some of our great local projects, as well as new products and national projects. We will be planning the 2018-2019 Program over the summer and I would like to extend an invitation to our Chapter members to submit topics for this program. If you have a specific topic or project that you would like to see us spotlight, please reach out and let us know.

The Chapter is proud to be jointly presenting the TT2018 — TAC/NASTT-NW Tunnelling and Trenchless Conference in partnership with Tunnelling Association of Canada. The conference will take place in Edmonton on Nov. 7-9 at the Fantasyland Hotel at West Edmonton Mall. The conference planning committee is in full swing and the call for abstracts closed in May.

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This conference will include a pre-conference reception, a short-course, daily keynote speakers, a two- day technical program, local technical tours, TAC Gala, and the presentation of the North American Society of Trenchless Technologies – North West Chapter Project of the Year Award. For more information, visit the conference webpage —

For more information about NASTT-NW, email

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To submit information for our Summer 2018 “Association Updates” section, published in August, email associate editor Mike Kezdi, at Deadline for submissions is July 9.

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