Special Report: Manhole Rehabilitation

TT Manhole Rehab Special Report Cover

What’s Inside:

The 2024 Manhole Rehabilitation Special Report offers an in-depth exploration of the critical role of manhole maintenance in preserving sewer system integrity. It highlights common challenges such as inflow & infiltration, structural fatigue, and corrosion, while focusing on innovative trenchless rehabilitation methods.

Feature Articles:

Contractors Discuss Manhole Rehab
Insights from leading contractors Hoerr Construction and HK Solutions Group on the growing manhole rehabilitation market in North America.

Strengths and Benefits of Using Ultra-High Build Epoxy Lining Systems
When choosing a technology for true monolithic watertight solutions in vertical structures like manholes, wet wells, and lift stations, prioritizing bonded systems is crucial.

Achieve Lower-Profile, Lower-Cost Manhole Rehabilitation
Advances in urethane resin technology and innovations in application equipment mean trenchless leak sealing is more effective and accessible than ever. 

The Art and Science of Manhole Rehabilitation
Manhole chambers are one of the major components in every sewer system. Over the past 30 years our industry has witnessed development and implementation of a wide variety of innovative technologies that address the primary problems found in manholes.

Enhancing Infrastructure Resilience: Combating Corrosion in Manholes
One large Northeastern utility company recognized the critical importance of proactive maintenance and embarked on a comprehensive rehabilitation project for its municipal manholes in New Jersey. 

The Need for Manhole Rehabilitation and the Strong-Seal® System
Throughout the industry, it is well known that there are three main problems in a collection system that can be caused by manholes: inflow and infiltration, structural fatigue, and corrosion damage. 

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