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SIWW Technology and Innovation Summit 2015 Set for June

Building on the success of the biennial Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) in 2014 and SIWW Water Utilities Leaders Forum in 2013, organizers are presenting an exclusive by invitation-only SIWW Technology and Innovation Summit (STIS) 2015.

The event — scheduled for June 16-17 at the One Ferrer Hotel in Singapore — will bring together an unparalleled audience of the world’s leading industry players, thought leaders and key influencers to co-create a blueprint for municipal and industrial water solutions. Theme of the event is Developing a Blueprint for Water Solutions.

An international audience of 250 senior delegates and C-suite leaders from water and wastewater utilities, research institutes, international organizations, investors and technology multipliers are expected to attend.

The Program Committee is comprised of top leaders from the industry, academia, international organizations and the media. Bringing together global perspectives, the committee will shape the summit program and content for quality discussions and provoking insights.

Summit highlights will include:

  • Welcome Address: By Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Singapore;

  • Forces Reshaping Our World: How do we continue to develop effective and efficient solutions for our water needs? We must be innovative. This session starts by identifying key global trends and factors driving innovation. Next, we will discuss criteria for global technology focus areas to develop solutions for the municipal and industrial water sectors.

  • Toward Less-Risk Innovation: How can organizations become more innovative? Hear best practices from other organizations on innovation management frameworks that aim to reduce barriers to entry and mitigate risk factors. We will also discuss how to validate and assess new technologies.

  • Innovation for Clean Water and Wastewater: What are the areas that the water industry deems most innovative? We want to identify the global Technology Focus Areas (TFAs) in areas like water treatment, distribution and use, as well as wastewater discharge, collection and treatment for the municipal and industrial sectors.

  • Financing Innovation Throughout the Cycle: Realizing that innovation is important is not enough; we need to make it happen. We will explore different financing models for municipal and industrial water players to develop, scale-up and implement their innovative solutions.

The biennial Singapore International Water Week conference is July 10-14, 2016. For more information on that event, visit
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