Robert Stein to Chair June Trenchless Technology Summit

Robert Stein, CEO of S & P Consult GMBH will chair IQPC’s 2nd Annual Trenchless Technology Summit taking place in Abu Dhabi on 7-10 June 2009 at the Hilton Hotel.

United Arab Emirates.

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Andy Wedgner, Project Division Manager, ADDC, will deliver the keynote speech, focusing on the practical, economical and environmental benefits to adopting trenchless technology.

This exclusive event sponsored by Beton & Rohrbau, Borouge Pte Ltd, mts-Perforator Microtunnelling Systems and Herrenknecht, will feature over 15 high profile speakers from the regions municipalities, utility providers, consultants and contractors. Including ADSSC, ADDC, Al Naboodah and NSCC Drilltec.

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The event has been developed by International Quality & Productivity Center (IQPC), the global providers of tailored, industry driven conferences. This conference will be addressing the most crucial factors affecting the industry in today’s current economic climate.

Topics under discussion will cover best practice methodologies in trenchless technology, understanding emerging technologies and how they can reduce the cost of your project, utilising pipe jacking as a means of installing underground pipelines, overcoming the challenges of renovation and rehabilitation and exploring future developments.

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Join representatives from the ADSSC and CH2M Hill in an exclusive focus morning dedicated to discussing the challenges and solutions of the region’s largest tunnelling project, STEP, Abu Dhabi.

Furthermore there will be the opportunity to attend a highly informative training course. Where Samuel Ariaratnam, Vice Chairman, International Society for Trenchless Technology, will discuss the complexities of horizontal directional drilling and pipe replacement practices. Dr. Ariaratnam is a Professor in the Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering at Arizona State University.

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His educational and research interests lie in the area of trenchless construction methods with an emphasis on Horizontal Directional Drilling and Pipe Bursting. Sam has published over 150 technical papers, co-authored 2 books and holds three patents. Dr. Ariaratnam has provided consulting services to numerous companies and municipalities internationally
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