Pure Technologies Announces $1.4M New Contract

Pure Technologies Ltd., (Pure) (TSX: PUR) has announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Pure Technologies U.S. Inc., has been awarded a contract by a major California-based water agency in the amount of approximately $1.4 million.

Under the contract, Pure will perform an inspection of a critical mortar-lined, large-diameter steel water transmission main utilizing its high-resolution magnetic flux leakage (MFL) inspection technology. The purpose of the inspection is to identify the location and extent of potential corrosion-induced wall thickness loss in the steel without having to remove the mortar lining, as part of an overall condition assessment of the line.

As a result of the acquisition of the business and assets of Electromechanical Technologies Inc. (EMTEK) on June 13, Pure is currently the only provider of MFL inspection services for lined ferrous pipelines. This is the second commercial MFL contract obtained by Pure since the acquisition. Work is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2012.

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