Publisher’s Message – Happy New Year!
The start of a new year always brings me a sense of renewed energy and optimism. A time to start fresh, reflect on past accomplishments and set new goals for the future!
In the underground infrastructure market, the opportunities and challenges ahead are vast. The importance of maintaining and improving the essential systems that support our communities cannot be overstated. With each passing year, technology advances, environmental concerns evolve and our industry must adapt and innovate.
As you’ll see from this issue’s cover story, the trenchless rehab sector is thriving, with continued growth in infrastructure upgrades and maintenance expected. Trenchless Technology editor Sharon Bueno interviewed experts to get their insights on the rehab sector, providing valuable perspective for the year ahead. Be sure to give it a read!
2024 Events
The Trenchless Technology team thoroughly enjoys industry events as they provide a chance to meet in person and connect with project stakeholders. You’ll find us at the following events that are fully dedicated to trenchless or that integrate trenchless topics into their educational programs and exhibition spaces, including:
- No-Dig Show, April 14-18, Providence, RI
- UESI Pipelines 2024 Conference, July 27-31, Calgary, AB
- WEFTEC, Oct. 5-9, New Orleans, LA
- No-Dig North, Oct. 21-23, Niagara Falls, ON
For a more focused education and networking setting, these niche events are highly regarded by the respective markets and stakeholders they serve. Be sure to give them a closer look online.
- HDD Academy, Feb. 22-23, Scottsdale, AZ
- Risk Management in Underground Construction, Feb. 26-27, Denver, CO
- CUIIC Rehabilitation Academy, March 13-14, Vancouver BC
- CUIIC Advanced HDD School, April 24-25, Calgary, AB
- Microtunneling Short Course, May 7-9, Scottsdale, AZ
- Tunneling Short Course, Sept. 9-11, Denver, CO
Frank Canon
When I began my career with Trenchless Technology back in the late 1990s, Frank Canon was a captivating figure in the trenchless industry — an innate educator of drilling fluids and a vibrant personality who left an indelible mark on all who crossed his path. Frank was a constant presence at industry events, generously sharing his wealth of knowledge with anyone eager to learn. He certainly had a hand in helping Trenchless Technology magazine grow and we are forever grateful for his contribution to the magazine and the trenchless industry as a whole.
As always, we are here to serve you, our readers. If you have any suggestions or comments, please email me at
Until next month!
Publisher, Trenchless Technology