Trenchless Technology 30 Years

Publisher’s Message – Collaboration, Communication and Flexibility Go a Long Way

I had the opportunity to sit in on Trenchless Technology’s Editorial Roundtable as five representatives from manufacturing companies gathered to discuss issues facing today’s trenchless industry. The issues they’re dealing with are not for the weakhearted!

Kelly VanNatten

Everyone sitting at the table shared their own challenges, from shipping nightmares to unprecedented lead times to rising costs that change on the daily. The feeling in the room was No. 1, “We’re in this together” and that these issues do not affect one or two companies in the industry, but all project stakeholders, including contractors, engineers and the project owners. And No. 2, that to get through these trying times, collaboration, good communication/transparency and flexibility will go a long way.

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Be sure to read the cover story for the manufacturers’ perspective on pandemic impacts, supply chain issues and the outlook for the trenchless sector.

On a related note, the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) – organizers of CONEXPO-CON/AGG and the Utility Expo (formerly ICUEE) – recently conducted member surveys on the topic of supply chain issues. They reported the five key takeaways were:

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  • Almost every responding AEM member is experiencing supply chain issues.
  • These supply chain issues will continue into 2023.
  • COVID-19 exposed deeper issues in our supply chain, but significantly aided the current crisis.
  • Other issues continue to impact the industry.
  • Supply chain solutions lie within inventory and transparency.

For more information about AEM and their surveys, visit

Mark your Calendars for World Trenchless Day: Sept. 22, 2022!

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What is World Trenchless Day? It’s a day of global celebration (commemorated on the fourth Thursday of September each year) that shines a spotlight on all of trenchless technology’s benefits — safety, economics, environmental, social.

World Trenchless Day unites the entire trenchless industry — manufacturers, contractors, engineering firms, associations, public works and publications — to share the world of trenchless technology, reaching out to those who have not yet realized the impact that trenchless methods have on their communities.

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One way you can participate in World Trenchless Day is by being a part of Trenchless Technology’s World Trenchless Day Video Tribute! Send us your 10- to 15-second video clip with your World Trenchless Day message by Sept. 1. Your World Trenchless Day video message could be a celebration message; a message about how trenchless benefits communities; or a message that invites career-seekers to join the trenchless industry. This is a great opportunity to get creative and have some fun!

As always, the Trenchless Technology staff is here to serve you, our readers. Please feel free to reach out to me at or 234-380-3030, if you have any topic suggestions or comments.

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Until next month!

Kelly VanNatten

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Publisher, Trenchless Technology

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