Product Showcase – Subsite UtiliGuard 2 RTK
Subsite’s new UtiliGuard 2 RTK (real-time kinematic) receiver is designed with survey-grade technology and dual-band antennas, allowing it to deliver centimeter-grade accuracy, making it an ideal solution for locating abandoned and untracked utilities that are often difficult to pinpoint.
The receiver empowers operators with reliable positioning data, enabling them to quickly verify installed utilities and tailor bids to match jobsite needs. Its high-precision capabilities also provide valuable insights into underground infrastructure, helping crews avoid cross bores during future projects.
The RTK receiver features integrated data capture, GPS positioning and an intuitive user interface to improve work quality and maximize locate awareness. Additional enhancements include dead-reckoning capabilities, which help operators maintain accurate locates in heavy tree canopy or areas where GPS signals falter. A multi-frequency fault-finding capability also empowers contractors to accurately identify and locate faulted power lines using a broad spectrum of customizable frequencies, up to 10 kHz.
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