PPIC Expands Service Offering For Metallic Pipeline Inspection

The Pressure Pipe Inspection Company Ltd. (PPIC) announced recently that it has reached a formal service distribution agreement with Advanced Engineering Solutions Limited based in England. Under the agreement, PPIC will be the exclusive North American service provider for the ECAT pipeline condition assessment tool, which provides accurate mapping of metallic pipe walls to predict remaining service life.

The vast majority of cities in North America rely on metallic pipelines such as cast iron, ductile iron and steel, for water distribution throughout their network. The challenge is that much of this infrastructure was installed over 50 years ago and it is difficult to determine the current condition of these assets. The signs of deterioration are increasingly showing up in the form of pipe ruptures.

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“PPIC is proud to be working with AESL; a recognized global leader in electromagnetic inspection technologies.” said Cliff Jones, Chief Operating Officer, PPIC. “Condition assessment services for pressurized concrete water pipes are well established, and with this partnership, we are taking the lead on providing municipalities with simplified solutions that can extend the life of metallic water mains while reducing risk.”

Condition assessment programs using PPIC technology provide municipalities with critical information about the condition of their buried assets. The age of a pipeline asset alone does not mean that it automatically needs to be replaced.

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“I have seen countless examples of pipelines that were scheduled for replacement, but still had significant remaining life as they were in good condition.” added Jones. “The trick is to first know the condition of the pipeline and then strategically repair or replace any structurally weak areas. This will extend limited budget dollars.”

ECAT uses high-powered magnets to create a magnetic field within a pipeline. The patented technology then calculates the rate and location of the field loss during the inspection. The magnetic waves travel through structurally weak areas of the pipe at a faster rate and allow for predictions to be made on the remaining life of the pipe. This information can be used by municipalities to prioritize repair and replacement programs and ultimately minimize the risk of metallic pipeline ruptures.

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ECAT services can either be used for a targeted “spot” check or to assess the condition of a long distance of metallic pipeline. This non-destructive assessment process provides results for the entire diameter of the pipe, requires minimal site preparation and can be used on any metallic pipe with a diameter of 8 inches or greater.

AESL is a global leader in non-destructive, electromagnetic condition assessment services and has completed over 4,000 pipeline inspections to date. Services are provided to municipal and industrial clients based in England, Europe, Middle East and Australia.

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About PPIC

A world leader in large diameter water and wastewater pipeline condition assessment, the Pressure Pipe Inspection Company (PPIC) offers forward looking solutions to help customers address aging infrastructure challenges in a reliable and cost effective manner. Our innovative services pinpoint damaged sections of a pipeline to help optimize infrastructure investments, stop leaks, reduce risk and ensure compliance. PPIC has inspected over 6,500 miles of critical pipeline assets over the past decade.

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