PPI Releases New Installation Guide for PE4710 Pipe
PPI’s MAB-11-2024 Covers HDPE Water Pipelines Up to 60-in. Diameter and 10,000-ft Long Pulls
Developed by the Municipal Advisory Board (MAB) – and published with the help of the members of the Plastics Pipe Institute Inc. (PPI) – “MAB Model Specification for the Installation of PE4710 Water Service, Distribution, and Transmission Pipes by Horizontal Directional Drilling” (MAB-11-2024) is available for free download at plasticpipe.org/mabpubs
The new guide covers the installation of small and large diameter high-density polyethylene (HDPE) PE4710 pressure water piping systems using horizontal directional drilling (HDD).
Covered in the document are maxi and mini HDD operations with sections devoted to Subsurface Investigation, Equipment and Supporting Systems, Regulations, Safety, Environmental Practices plus other steps required for the successful HDD installation of HDPE PE4710 pipe. It also contains verbiage that can be directly used in bid documents, and includes guidance on submittals and closeout/payments.
“This model specification is intended as a guide ,” stated Camille George Rubeiz, P.E., F. ASCE, co-chair, MAB, and senior director of engineering for the PPI’s Municipal & Industrial Division. “It is ideal for engineers, users, contractors, and other interested parties to use in the design, construction, and installation of HDPE pressure water piping systems. The local utility or engineer may want to modify this model specification to adapt the document to local conditions, operations, and practices.”
The Municipal Advisory Board Task Group was led by industry consultant, Larry Slavin, Ph.D., president, Outside Consulting Services, Inc. (Rockaway, New Jersey). The new model specification was prepared by MAB members and associates as a service to the water industry. The MAB serves as an independent, non-commercial adviser to the Municipal & Industrial (M&I) Division of the PPI, the major North American trade association representing the plastic pipe industry.
“We broke the document down into two parallel sections; one for large diameter and another for small diameter,” Slavin explained. “Both Maxi-HDD and Mini-HDD columns address the same topics with information specific to each. This was for reading ease and quick reference. I was very pleased to see the immense number of contributions, along with the cooperation of our Task Group that included academics, contractors, installers, and utility engineers. Only such a well-rounded group could have produced this very helpful document in fewer than seven months.”
Rubeiz expresses his thanks for those who helped with the project. “We would also like to thank those who provided their time and expertise to the project – Dr. Larry Slavin, TG Chair; Marisa Boyce, EBMUD, California; Casey Haynes, Haynes E2, Missouri; Nelson Jacome, Miami Dade, Florida; Kevin Miller, Miller Pipeline, Indiana; Dr. Mo Najafi, University of Texas; Jacob Nakano, City Utilities, Missouri; Masa Niiya, MUD, Nebraska; Mark Mikol, City of Austin, Texas; Andrew Schipper, Ft Wayne, Indiana; Austyn Smedberg, Ft Wayne, Indiana; Howie Smith, City of Duluth, Minnesota; and Cheryl Wilson, City of Tulsa, Oklahoma.”
Additional information including Model Specification (MAB-7) for Midi-Horizontal Directional Drilling can be found at the MAB publications website.