PLCAC 2024 Convention Panel

Canadian Pipeliners Meet in Niagara Falls

The Pipe Line Contractors Association of Canada (PLCAC) held its 70th Annual General Meeting & Convention May 12-16 in Niagara Falls, Ontario.

More than 330 delegates were present to attend numerous business sessions and networking events. Outgoing president Wes Waschuk, of Alberta-based Waschuk Pipe Line Construction Ltd., chaired the meeting.

At the Annual General Meeting, Kevin O’Donnell, PLCAC executive director, reported 2023 pipeline man hours were slightly flat, but the second highest ever. The association added six new regular and two associate members. An updated Pipeline Safety Leadership Course will be available in the fourth quarter of 2024.

For 2023-2024, PLCAC awarded $105,000 to 34 students for their post-secondary education. The 2024 Jack Cressey Future Leader Award recipient is Caleb Trumble, of Robert B Sommerville Co. Ltd., where Broderick is a project coordinator in the Pipeline Division.

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Keynote speaker Cynthia Hansen in conversation with the audience.
Keynote speaker Cynthia Hansen in conversation with the audience. 

This year’s convention included outstanding speakers. Cynthia Hansen, Enbridge executive vice president and president, Gas Transmission & Midstream gave an insightful presentation. Enbridge is the largest infrastructure company in North America. It is clear from her presentation that she is very optimistic about Canada’s energy production.

Stephen Harper, who was the 22nd Prime Minister of Canada, gave a brief talk noting the safest mode of transportation is pipelines. He then joined a fireside type of panel that O’Donnell moderated.

Joining Harper was Joseph Mancinelli, international vice president and regional manager for central and eastern Canada for the Laborers’ International Union of North America and Victor Swishchuk with Letko Brosseau & Associates in Montreal where he is a portfolio manager in the area of energy, utilities, renewables, and infrastructure. They commented Canada oil is well-positioned for the future, especially so with regulation changes.

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 “There is enormous stress on finding workers for construction,” Mancinelli said. He noted Ontario alone needs 25,000 construction workers. Swishchuk pointed out Canadian pension plans were investing less in the Canadian economy; instead opting for the U.S. economy. He feels that needs to change to boost Canada’s economy and energy construction.

The final banquet welcomed Mark Scherer of Aecon as the 2024-2024 PLCAC president. 2025’s convention will take place in May in Banff, Alberta. More information is available at


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