Plastic Pipes XV Conference Set for September

The upcoming Plastic Pipes XV Conference (PPXV), organized by the Plastic Pipes Conference Association (PPCA) and scheduled for Sept. 20-22,  in Vancouver, BC, Canada, will be another progressive benchmark indicating the steadfast popularity of this international event despite the trend for industry conferences to shrink.

According to the Center for Exhibition Industry Research Index, the exhibition industry declined 12.5 percent during 2009. Contrary to that trend, PPXV is experiencing renewed interest from presenters, sponsors and exhibitors, as well as burgeoning attendance. This has resulted in an increase from two and a half days to three full days of concurrent session presentations from authors representing nearly every continent. “Our continued success is due to the original concept developed by the founders of the PPCA to keep our event directed at topics that are influencing our industry,” stated David Walton, who is currently with Borouge Pte Ltd. as the marketing manager for Pipe Resins and a long-time supporter of the conference, as well as helping to form the PPCA which now runs the conference. “This year, for example, there will be an emphasis on no-dig technologies and sustaining our natural resources.”

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More than 500 delegates representing 45 countries are anticipated to attend this bi-annual event, which is only held in North America every four years. Sessions will be held in a concurrent format giving attendees a choice of topics. More than 100 speakers are expected to present on topics ranging from energy and irrigation, to installation practices and material advancements.

“The appeal of the conference for attendees has been its dual seminar track and because the technical papers that are being presented are the primary function of the event. This means that attendees can pick and choose between topics of their personal greatest interest from a comprehensive agenda. Plus, it is a conference for the industry organized by industry, so participants know they will hear experts who are coming from the front lines and can engage peers in discussion about the most current or controversial of developments, “ said Stephen Boros, PPXV organizing committee chairman.

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Subjects to be covered include all applications in which differing plastics and pipe materials are being utilized and explored including water, natural gas, plumbing, drainage, mining, and an array of industrial applications to name only some. Use of plastic piping materials such as polyethylene (PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), cross-linked polyethylene (PEX), polyamide (PA) and others, as well as thermoplastic composite piping for high pressure applications, will be analyzed  during conference events.    

The exhibit hall will contain displays with details about the advancements in plastic pipe testing, design and manufacturing. PPXV will be held in conjunction with the American Gas Association’s Plastics Materials Committee meeting. Additional information can be found at

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