PACP Manual Now Available in Spanish
September 19, 2012
NASSCO now offers the Pipeline Assessment Certification Program (PACP) in Spanish. PACP is the North American standard for pipeline defect identification and assessment. It provides standardization and consistency to data collected via man-entry or by CCTV camera inspection.
The majority of the translation work was carried out by NASSCO’s Latin America Committee. “The Committee has worked diligently to accurately translate the PACP manual into Spanish,” said Diego Calderon, NASSCO technical assistant. “We are extremely thankful for the volunteer work by our translation subcommittee [which includes Luis Roberto León, Angel Perez, Alejandro Galvis-Sterling, and Diego Calderon] and by our peer-review group. Our focus was to translate the manual using the most widely accepted technical terms in Spanish, so we included reviewers who were familiar with the specific language dialects in Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Spain and Venezuela. We have recently identified an extremely high demand for more comprehensive and consistent databases to properly evaluate and rehabilitate underground infrastructure from sewer system owners in Central and South America, so it is our goal to better serve the entire North American continent and all Spanish-speaking countries.”
Growing populations and the recent development of communities in most Latin American countries have created an immediate need for new sewer lines and rehabilitation of deteriorating sewers. “Providing PACP training, manuals and materials in the Spanish language is a natural extension of NASSCO’s mission to set industry standards for the assessment and rehabilitation of underground pipelines, and to assure the continued acceptance and growth of trenchless technologies throughout the Americas,” continued Calderon.
The first PACP class in Spanish has been scheduled for Oct. 17-18, in Bogota, Colombia, followed by one in Puerto Rico in the near future. NASSCO is now accepting requests for Spanish manuals in the U.S. and the Americas.
The PACP certification standard was previously translated into French and is now the inspection standard throughout all the province of Quebec, Canada. “The time is right for NASSCO to fully support standard defect coding of underground pipelines in languages other than English and French, and to provide the education and training necessary to ensure that standards are met for successful renovations in other communities based on accurate and consistent condition evaluations,” concluded Calderon.
For more information visit or contact Diego Calderon at