Newark Wraps Up 2009 Trenchless Road Show Program

The final Trenchless Road Show of 2009 took place Aug. 25-26 in Newark, N.J., at the Holiday Inn Newark International Airport Hotel, where attendees heard top-notch educational presentations and participated in live outdoor demos given by trenchless professionals.

2009 marked the 17th year of the Trenchless Road Show educational program, presented by Trenchless Technology magazine and Benjamin Media. The two-day event addresses the issues in the trenchless industry by way of classroom instruction and outdoor demonstrations. The smaller tradeshow setting also allows attendees the opportunity for one-on-one time with the leading trenchless companies in the exhibit hall.

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Featured at the TRS were presentations by local professionals. Other sessions were held designated by topic including water and sewer rehabilitation and trenchless new installation. Session presentations dealt with root control, laterals, chemical grouting, guided auger boring, pipe inspection, bypass pumping and manhole rehabilitation.

Outdoor demonstrations were held by Logiball on the UV-Cured/Fiberglass CIPP Process and Aries Industries on Lateral Evaluation Systems. TRS sponsors for the Newark program were PipeMedic and ICON.

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