NASTT, NTA Join to Promote Trenchless Technology in the Northeast
August 14, 2015
Northeast Trenchless Association Inc. (NTA) and the North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT) will join together effective Jan. 1, 2016 to form the NASTT Northeast Chapter.This chapter will cover Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont. The goals of the consolidated organization will continue to advance trenchless technology and promote its benefits for the public and the natural environment by increasing awareness and knowledge through technical information dissemination, research and development, education and training.
NTA past president Matt Timberlake commented: “The Northeast sits on top of some of the oldest buried infrastructure in North America. By pulling together the regional strength of the NTA and its members with the national resources of NASTT, the new Northeast Chapter of NASTT will help serve the diverse utilities market in the northeast and continue to help grow trenchless rehabilitation and construction in the region.”
An industry launch event will be held on Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. in Springfield, Mass. Members of the NTA and NASTT, as well as the Northeast Chapter Steering Committee, will outline the goals of the new association including a call for nomination of officers. The event is open to all industry stakeholders including municipal utility owners and operators, consulting engineers, contractors, suppliers and students. There is no charge to attend the event which will include a social hour and dinner.
The Northeast Chapter of the NASTT Steering Committee is composed of of Scott Kelly, ETTI (2004 NTA President); George Ragula, PSE&G (NASTT Past Chair 2011-2012); Matt Timberlake, Ted Berry Company (NTA Past President); Justin DeMello, Woodard and Curran (NASTT Member); and Matt Boeh, UGSI (2015 NTA President).
To learn more about NASTT and the Northeast Chapter visit