NASSCO’s Technical Day Now Qualifies for CEU or PDH Credits
January 12, 2015
The Center for Underground Infrastructure Research and Education (CUIRE) has announced it will issue 0.408 CEUs or 4.08 PDHs for attendance and participation in NASSCO’s Annual Conference Technical Day. The two-track Technical Day education program is part of NASSCO’s Annual Conference scheduled this year from Feb. 11-13 in Savannah, Ga.TRACK 1: Safety, Risk Assessment and Municipal Issues:
- Construction Safety and Risk Assessment: A discussion on the importance of daily construction crew tailgate meetings including focusing on safety and hazard identification and technology risk assessment.
- Health and Safety Academy: Review of the availability of online health and safety training programs for busy construction personnel.
- Lessons Learned in Augusta, Georgia: Their successes and failures in sustaining their collection system.
- Utility Infrastructure Challenges in the Urban Forest — Making a Difference Now: Social, economic and environmental health attributes related to utility maintenance in rights-of-way.
- Resolving the Dilemma of Aging Sewer Laterals with a Private/Public Partnership: Aging and failing private sewer laterals are increasingly problematic for both the local homeowners and system owners. An innovative private/public partnership is a possible solution.
TRACK 2: Collection System Inspection, Maintenance and Rehabilitation
- New Developments in Side Scan Technology: A presentation of current advances in the side scan technology for pipeline condition documentation.
- Sewer Line Cleaning Techniques—Cleaning Nozzles, Approach & Best Practice: Discussion of different nozzles and when and where they are best applied.
- Manhole Technologies, Inspection and Testing: A presentation on a variety of topics including composite manhole adjusting rings, grates and corresponding frames as a replacement for cast iron, and manhole rehab testing and inspection.
- Integrated Heat Sensor Technology within Medium to Large Diameter CIPP Installations: Pros, cons, and lessons learned in continuous temperature monitoring from a contractor’s perspective. Discussion of knowledge gained in the field and successes as well as challenges that led to modifications in both the product and techniques to use the product.
- The Shift from Reactive to Proactive Wastewater Management Best Practices: Brief Abstract on GIS and cloud-based software solutions using today’s proven internet and networking technology to make wastewater data searchable, visible and actionable in ways never before possible, without capital expense.
The technical track sessions will run parallel and are designed to include time for a member questions and answers period. Tracks will be followed by a keynote speech by Rod Lovett, Chief of Wastewater Collection and Transmission, Miami-Dade County, Fla. He will discuss one of the country’s largest consent decrees and how issues are being addressed, as well as successes in using trenchless technology to reduce flow to three major treatment plants. The total session time (participation in one of the tracks plus the keynote speech) is five hours and 15 minutes and will earn participants either CEU or PDH credits.
NASSCO’s Annual Conference and Technical Day are open to NASSCO members. If you are not yet a NASSCO member, or want to sign up for the 2015 Annual Conference, please visit