Trenchless Technology News

NASSCO Welcomes New Technical Director

NASSCO has announced the appointment of its new technical director, Lynn Osborn, who replaces outgoing Technical Director Gerry Muenchmeyer.

lynn osborn

Lynn Osborn

Osborn steps into this role with a solid technical background and deep understanding of NASSCO’s mission, to set standards for the assessment and rehabilitation of underground infrastructure.

As the senior applications manager (engineering) at Insituform Technologies LLC for 31 years, Osborn led all aspects of engineering, including technical support of sales, manufacturing and operations.  Prior to that, he worked for nine years as a consulting engineer in the water and wastewater fields. He also served as chair of NASSCO’s CIPP Committee, and was very active in NASSCO’s communications with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services from 2010-2011.  He is also very active in ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) Pipelines and ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials).

“As NASSCO’s new technical director, I hope to continue the gold standard set by Gerry Muenchmeyer,” said Osborn. “This includes providing responses to technical inquiries, maintaining and expanding ITCP (Inspector Training Certification Program) and supporting the numerous NASSCO Committees and divisions, including IPBA (International Pipe Bursting Association) and ICGA (Infiltration Control Grouting Association).”

Outgoing director Muenchmeyer was instrumental in the development of ITCP, as well as MACP (Manhole Assessment Certification Program) and LACP (Lateral Assessment Certification Program). While Muenchmeyer has been an integral part of developing and growing these programs, he has also made a significant impact on the underground technology industry as a whole through his contributions to the acceptance and growth of trenchless technologies. Succession planning was one of Muenchmeyer’s priorities, and Osborn was an obvious candidate for his own replacement.

“Lynn has been a part of this industry from the beginning, and has helped to shape trenchless technologies into what they are today” said Muenchmeyer.
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