Mortimer Is on the Move!

Everyone’s favorite rat, Mortimer, was out on another Michels Tunneling jobsite in October. Mortimer made a trip to Akron, Ohio, to observe a Michels Tunneling installation of 42-in. and 48-in. sewer pipe for the City of Akron.

This picture was taken from inside one of the seven 35-ft deep shafts dug for the project. The six tunnel runs were completed by a microtunneling boring machine (MTBM) and totaled 4,253 ft — 1,328 ft of 48-in. tunnel and 2,925 ft of 42-in. tunnel — with each run ranging from 300 ft to more than 1,000 ft. The project, which is a major upgrade to the sanitary sewer system in Akron, is estimated to be completed in spring 2012.
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