Michael Byrne MFG

Michael Byrne Mfg. Adds International Sales Manager, Grows Distribution Network

Mansfield, Ohio-based trenchless equipment manufacturer Michael Byrne Mfg. (MBM) recently added two new international distribution channels and added Kevin Slarb as its inside and international sales manager.

Slarb has more than 20 years of experience in the trenchless technology industry. His knowledge of the underground industry, equipment, parts and service have made him a valuable resource to many contractors. Slarb was the go-to guy for many international customers while at American Augers and will continue that role with MBM. Slarb will work with Dave Miller in supporting sales for our expanding customer base.

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In addition to Slarb coming on board, Michael Byrne Mfg. grew its Canadian presence with the addition of Sub-Surface Equipment and Mike Shannon to represent MBM products in Western Canada.  Shannon has extensive background in the underground utility construction market with more than 20 years providing equipment and tooling solutions to contractors.

Michael Byrne Mfg. continues to supply parts factory direct to contractors, ensuring the fastest turn-around time and delivery to the customer. Shannon can be reached at subsurface@telus.net or 250-558-9716.

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Looking overseas, MBM added MORTEC Ltd. To represent the brand in Israel. MORTEC was established in 2007 and supplies equipment for the construction, infrastructure, agriculture, and recycling industries. MORTEC has widespread connections throughout the Israeli market providing: Advice and guidance in choosing the right tool for the job, operational instruction and on job support, mobile and shop repair services and wear and maintenance parts supply.

MORTEC will represent all MBM underground tooling products including auger boring machines, auger, cutting heads, adapters and horizontal directional drilling (HDD) components. For more information, contact MORTEC CEO Arnon Mor, at +972 (0)8 9352707 or arnonmor@mortec.co.il.

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