Melfred Borzall Holds Distributors Meeting

Melfred Borzall held its 12th annual distributors meeting May 18-20 in SantaMaria, Calif. This year the event was particularly special because MelfredBorzall is celebrating its 60th year in business.

The gathering was met with unusually cool weather for the West Coast centralregion of California. But, this did not dampen the spirits of the 25 attendeeswho came from across the United States and Canada, plus the United Kingdom. Areception dinner at the home of Melfred Borzall president Dick and PattiMelsheimer kicked off the event. The following day was full of seminar sessionscovering topics such as tooling ideas, a fiber-optics market update, hard rockboring, safety and a tour of the Melfred plant.

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The last day of the meeting, the group participated in a golf tournament,while others went on a wine tasting tour. A very authentic luau that evening atthe home of Peter and Milay Melsheimer brought an end to a successfulmeeting.

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