Meeting the Demand of America’s Aging Water Infrastructure
In the United States alone, it is estimated that over $1 trillion will be required over the next 25 years to restore buried water and wastewater lines due to age and deterioration, and almost $350 billion will be required to restore potable and drinking water lines. This does not include all the buried and in-use steam and chemical pipelines also affected by age. Alabama-based Sprayroq (and their industry-leading Spraywall®) is at the forefront of meeting this demand.
Spraywall® offers the quickest return to service in the industry. That means lower shutdown costs and happier citizens and businesses. Spraywall® cures faster than any comparable product on the market, gels in 8 seconds, and tack-free in 2 minutes. The average return-to-service time is 30-45 minutes. To learn more, visit
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