McLaughlin Expands Locator Repair Facility
McLaughlin Group Inc. recently expanded its factory locator repair facility inGreenville, S.C., says Dave Gasmovic, McLaughlin presidentand CEO.
The facility is headed by Mark Foertsch, who has more than six yearsexperience in all types of digital locator diagnosis and repair.
Repair time for Verifier G2 and Vision locators averages less than 48 hours,with most units returned to the customer within a 24-hour period. This reducescustomer downtime by waiting weeks for units to be returned.
All McLaughlin locator repairs are done in McLaughlin’s U.S. facility,avoiding overseas shipping and repair. The Verifier G2 and Vision are completelyweatherproof and extremely durable. The new Verifier G2 is covered by athree-year warranty that includes water damage if the unit’s housing is intact.