March 2005: Trenchless International News
IFAT 2005: The Largest Environmental Show in the WorldReturns in April
The largest environmental show in the world — IFAT —will be held April 25-29 in Munich. The show will feature more than 2,000exhibiting companies displaying a multitude of goods and services.
Thisis the 14th International Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Waste Disposal andRecycling (Internationale Fachmesse Fur Umwelt und Entsorgung: Wasser, Abwasser,Abfall und Recycling). Held in Munich, the triennial show has developed into theleading trade fair for the industry since it was established in 1966. It isconsidered the “Show for the Boss” since more than 88 percent of attendees aresenior level decision-makers.
In 2002, more than 2,000 exhibitors from39 countries and 97,000-plus attendees from 122 countries attended the IFATshow. This year, the exhibits will cover 1.78 million sq ft at the Munich TradeFair Center.
The show is open to environmental committees, public andprivate city enterprises and disposal firms, industry, trade and servicecompanies, planning and engineering services, scientists, engineers, water andwastewater experts, associations, institutes, universities andcolleges.
“IFAT is the world’s most comprehensive show where you willfind practical solutions to problems in all fields of water, sewage and wastedisposal, recycling and environmental technology,” says Eugen Egetenmeir, deputydirector of Messe Munchen International, show organizer. “No other trade show inthe world offers a broader forum for exhibitors and visitors to get all theinformation they need under one roof and to meet and interact with otherindustry professionals on a global level.”
IFAT is the most importanttrade fair for waste disposal and the environment. To that end, IFAT has put itsrole as a leading international exhibition to the test once again by adding anew exhibition category for water supply to the fair, a move that has been wellreceived by exhibitors and visitors. For the 2005 fair, show organizers hope toincrease the number of international exhibitors even more and to expand therange of exhibition themes and the program of related events. The categories forwater supply and waste disposal are also being expanded to reflect ongoinginternationalization, as well as recent trends toward private service providersand the use of innovative hardware.
Munich is one of the most popularcities in Germany and is convenient to get to from both the East and the West.Held at the Munich Trade Fair Center, the trade fair site is organized into 12enormous exhibition halls, plus a tremendous amount of outdoor space. For thetrenchless technology and wastewater rehabilitation contingent, the focal pointsare Halls A6 and B6. Here, you will find trenchless companies such asBodenbender GmbH, epros GmbH, Hachler AG Umwelttechnik, IBAK, JT electronikGmbH, iPEK Kessler GmbH, Trolining GmbH and Saertex multiCom GmbH. A list ofexhibitors is shown below.
IFAT Trenchless Exhibitors (as of 3/1/05) | |
• AGRU Kinststofftechnik GmbH | • IPEX Inc. • Jansen, Franz Umwelttechnik GmbH • JT electronikGmbH • KA-TE System AG • KWH Pipe (Poland) Sp. Z.o.o. • Meyer Rohr& Schacht GmbH • MultiLining International ApS • Naylor DrainageLtd. • NICOM • Radiodetection Ltd. • RibLoc • Ritmo S.p.a. • RSTechnik AG • Saertex Multicom GmbH • Sarotec GmbH • Simona AG •Steinzeug Abwassersysteme GmbH • Tracto-Technik GmbH Spezialmaschinen •Trolining GmbH • Uponor • Wavin GmbH • WIRTHGmbH |
The extensive range of exhibits at IFAT includes components for watercollection and distribution, as well as transportation and sewer systems, i.e.pipes, wells, ducts, pumps, lifting equipment and fittings. Exhibits will alsoinclude the latest developments for pipe-laying and sewer systems, sewerinspection and repair, control and analysis technology and process-controltechnology.
Besides addressing German representatives, there will be afocus on international visitors from Europe, especially the new European Unionmember states and countries in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as countriesin the Arabic region, Asia, Africa and North and South America.
Showorganizers are also creating synergy for the fair in Munich among exhibitors andvisitors from Asia with IFAT China, which is marked its premiere in 2004 inShanghai. IFAT China, which showcased the booming Chinese ecology market, washeld June 29-July 2, 2004.
To help visitors find the companies andproducts most meaningful to their business, the exhibit hall is arranged bymajor product categories: Water and Sewage; Refuse Disposal and Recycling;Public Cleansing and Winter Road Services; Decontamination of Old Sites;Flue-Gas Scrubbing and Air Extraction; Measurement, Control and LaboratoryTechnology; and Services, Education and Research.
In conjunction withIFAT 2005, a series of international symposia is scheduled along with the IFATForum for exhibitors to share their new products and solutions with visitors.Topics for the international symposia include Japan and China days.
Formore information, go to
Trenchless Returns to Cairoin November
TRENCHLESS EGYPT 2005, the third international exhibition andconference on trenchless technology in the Middle Eastern region, is to be heldNov. 14-16, at the Cairo International Exhibition Center (CICC).
Cairohosted an extremely successful inaugural event in 2001 and was the catalyst forthe formation of the Egyptian Society for Trenchless Technology (EGSTT) when ahandful of engineers arranged an initial meeting to discuss a regular forum topromote the use of trenchless technology. EGSTT today has an impressivemembership of more than 100 organizations and individuals.
Governmentsaround the world are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental benefitsthat trenchless techniques bring, particularly in urban communities. Egypt is noexception. With Greater Cairo’s population of more than 12 million inhabitantsand an 800,000-km network of underground utilities, there is huge pressure tokeep the city on the move. Public works activities are strictly regulated andthe use of trenchless techniques is on the increase. In addition, some majorprojects which are planned over the next two to three years will bring evengreater activity and investment — including major utility relocation works inconnection with the third line of the Cairo Metro and the anticipated majorrepair program as a result of Cairo Water & Sewage’s recent evaluationexercise of the existing network.
“Our strategy is to hold oneTRENCHLESS event in the Middle Eastern region every two years,” said RichardWest, managing director of U.K.-based organizers No-Dig Conferences &Exhibitions Ltd. “We had excellent feedback from our event in Dubai in 2003 andwe are looking forward to returning to Cairo in 2005. The show will provide atimely opportunity for local and international suppliers to show the very besttechnology available, just when the contractors and clients are planning thesemajor works. Furthermore, we are delighted that our colleagues at EGSTT havepledged strong support for TRENCHLESS EGYPT 2005.”
Alongside theexhibition of equipment and services will be a conference program to includetechnical papers on the latest techniques, as well as a number of case studypapers featuring trenchless projects carried out in the region and around theworld.
TRENCHLESS EGYPT 2005 Exhibition and Conference is organized byNo-Dig Conferences and Exhibitions Ltd., which have staged international No-Digand TRENCHLESS events in the United Kingdom, Far East and Middle East sincelaunching the inaugural No-Dig conference in London in 1985. For moreinformation on the Cairo show, ph: +44 1923 778311 or e-mail
Hong KongPower Installation Under Way
AJ Lucas (Hong Kong) Ltd., a subsidiaryof AJ Lucas Group in Sydney, Australia, is part way through a project to installnew power mains to Pui O Beach on Lantau Island, one of Hong Kong’s finestbeaches, using horizontal directional drilling (HDD).
The project ispart of a major upgrade to the electricity transmission network for China Light& Power to supply 45,000 customers in south Lantau and Cheung Chau. Theexisting 33kV equipment and overhead lines are being decommissioned and replacedwith three 132kV cable circuits.
With 80 percent of Lantau now declaredcountry parks property, environmental factors (and the consequent concerns ofresidents and conservation groups) were critical in the project’s design anddecision to go with HDD. Lucas won the contract on the strength of itsinnovative approach and proven track record working with China Light & Powerin 2001, according to the AJ Lucas Web site.
The project involves twobores of 320 m, with a pipe diameter of 600 mm. An American Augers DD140C isbeing used, as well as two Tulsa Rig Iron pumps with maximum capacity 612 gpmand two Tri-Flo 4200 mud-cleaning systems.
Although the drilled distanceis relatively short, the project is greatly complicated by passing through HongKong’s largest fault zone, the Tolo fault, and terminating inside a tunnel boredby Dragages Hong Kong, the lead contractor on the project. Stringentenvironmental and noise pollution requirements added to the challenge.
To meet these demanding requirements Lucas purchased a complete DD140Cdrilling spread for this project and extensively modified it to minimizeenvironmental risks and noise. Work commenced in mid-November 2004 and isexpected to be completed in April in time for the campsite’s busy season afterthe winter period.
Hans BrochierGroup Gets New Owner
Effective Jan. 1, Hans Brochier GmbH & Co.KG, Nürnberg, Germany, including all its subsidiaries and associated companies,will be owned by a subsidiary company of Aubach Capital Ltd.,London.
Brochier’s former owner, AGR Group, parts with the subsidiaryBrochier GmbH & Co. KG after six years. With the support of AGR, Brochierwas able to attain, in the past three years, an increase in turnover from $50million EUR ($66 million USD) to $180 million EUR ($238 million USD) in 2003,but the synergy effects from the waste management of AGR and the plantengineering, the special civil engineering, the water technology and thepipeline construction of Brochier could not come up to theexpectations.
Aubach Capital Ltd. is a renowned British financialinvestor that has already made diverse investments in Germany and is, ingeneral, interested in long-term commitments. According to the statement byAubach Capital Ltd., plans for Hans Brochier GmbH & Co. KG, will be tocontinue the path of consolidation, in order to guarantee positive developmentfor Brochier. The purchase price and contract details were not released by theparties.
The management of Hans Brochier GmbH & Co. KG sees thisrecent development as extremely positive and an essential move on the way to asuccessful future of the company, according to a press announcement on thecompany’s Web site.
IPLOCASecretariat Moves to Geneva
IPLOCA recently appointed Luc Henriod asits new executive secretary and Roberto Pirani as the board’s consultant. Bothappointments were effective Jan. 1.
Henriod replaces Jean-Guy Rames, whoretired in 2004.
In other IPLOCA news, the association announced that itis moving its administrative office from Gent, Belgium, to Geneva, Switzerland.The new office should be operational by April 1. The new contact information is:2 Chemin de Blandonnet, CH 1214 Vernjer, Switzerland; ph: +41 22 306 0230; andfax: +41 22 306 0239. The office in Gent, Belgium, can still be contacted untilJune 30.
CamstopperTeams with U.S. Company
Advanced Sewer Products Ltd., developers andmanufacturers of the Camstopper, have announced that Cherne Industries Inc.,Minneapolis, Minn., has chosen the company to be its sole pipe stopperdistributor for the United Kingdom.
Cherne Industries, which wasestablished more than 50 years ago, is a world leader in the design, manufactureand supply of inflatable and mechanical pipe stoppers. The company, which is ISO9001 registered, has an enviable reputation for both unparalleled productquality and the high level of its customer service. Its product range for bothplumbing and underground applications includes all types of inflatable pipestoppers up to 2.4-m diameters, mechanical pipe stoppers, test equipment andtools and accessories.
Mike Flanagan, managing director of Advanced SewerProducts stated, “We are very proud that a world leader like Cherne shouldexpress confidence in ASP and the innovative Camstopper by choosing our companyas its sole distributor. The Cherne product range and its commitment tocontinuous product development and improvement provides us with the idealproduct range to compliment the Camstopper.”
The combination ofCamstopper and Cherne gives ASP the best and most comprehensive range of pipestoppers on the U.K. market, company officials say.
A-Plant Makes SignificantInvestments in Trenchless Technology
Due toincreased demand for equipment for use on utility contracts carried out by majorcustomers such as Balfour Beatty Utilities Ltd. (BBUL), Transco and McNicholasplc, A-Plant has invested heavily in its trenchless technology business.
Over the past few months, A-Plant’s main plant division has investedapproximately £1/4 million ($478,000 USD) in developing and expanding itsrange of trenchless products.
A-Plant has two dedicated trenchlesstechnology locations in Staines and Falkirk, which offer a vast range ofspecialist equipment available for hire, such as Cobra Rodding Systems, electrofusion equipment, butt fusion equipment, pipe coil trailers, pipe pushingmachines, impact moling equipment, cable detection equipment and diesel poweredtrailer winches.
The product offering has recently been boosted by thepurchase of a number of 400G Grundoburst pipe-bursting machines from leadingsupplier, TT-UK.
A-Plant has recently purchased one of the Grundoburstmachines as a result of a customer in Scotland securing a major utilitiescontract. The customer is currently using two 400G Grundoburst machines suppliedby A-Plant on a long-term contract to renew water pipes running throughEdinburgh. Customers such as Balfour Beatty Utilities Ltd. (BBUL), Fulcrum andTransco are also using A-Plant trenchless technology equipment, supplemented byplant equipment, on utility sites nationwide.
A-Plant’s trenchlesstechnology locations are run by specialists in the field, such as Ian Johnsonwho runs the Staines depot. Johnson has more than 20 years experience in theplant and trenchless technology market and has built up a team of 10 members,comprising experienced rental managers, fitters, salespeople and drivers. Likethose at the Falkirk depot, they have developed an enviable reputation forproviding an excellent technical back-up service.
The A-Plant trenchlesstechnology team recently exhibited at No-Dig Live at Stonleigh Park, nearCoventry.