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Keynote Announced for 2020 Trenchless Technology Road Show

The organizers of the the 2020 Trenchless Technology Road Show have announced Dr.-Ing. Robert Stein as the keynote speaker for the conference, which takes place May 20-21 in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, with pre-courses taking place May 19.

Dr.-Ing. Robert Stein


Stein is the managing associate of Stein & Partner GmbH and managing director of S & P Consult GmbH, as well as the manager and developer of the Underground Infrastructure Training and Competence Center (UNITRACC).

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He has been involved in a multitude of pipe jacking and microtunneling projects, most notably as a technical advisor for the construction of a gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea by pipe jacking by Nord Stream AG, Switzerland in 2007; and as the project manager of the 52 km deep-tunnel sewage system (Emscher Kanal). His current focus in the application of deterioration and aging models for the development of demand-oriented maintenance and rehabilitation strategies being utilized in more than 20,000 km of pipeline.

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The keynote presentation will discuss a new paradigm shift that is happening in Germany and Europe as the trenchless industry expands – that is a shortage of trenchless engineers. This shortfall is expected to grow unless new methods of training are developed such as e-Learning. His talk will also share the European vision in assessment, monitoring, and management of integrated infrastructures systems. This presentation will allow the attendees to learn about the issues that Europe is dealing with and that North America can expect to face in the coming years.

The 2020 Trenchless Technology Road Show is accepting abstracts that demonstrate industry innovation, new products/processes and case studies that demonstrate advanced design and/or construction or lessons learned during construction. The abstract submission deadline is Oct. 7, 2019.

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Registration and the full agenda for the 2020 Trenchless Technology Road Show are coming soon. For more information, visit catttrenchlessroadshow.ca.

If you are interested in becoming an exhibitor, contact Brittany Cline at bcline@benjaminmedia.com or call 330-467-7588. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, contact Hamed Mohammadifardi at hamed.mohammadifardi@uwaterloo.ca.

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SOURCE – Benjamin Media Inc.

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