TTC Expands Global E-Learning Options for Water Professionals

UNITRACC TTC partnership

Dr. Tom Iseley and Dr. Robert Stein.

The Trenchless Technology Center (TTC) at Louisiana Tech University and Prof. Dr. –Ing.  Stein & Partner, GmbH (S&P) based in Bochum, Germany, entered into an agreement to expand the awareness of the UNITRACC (Underground Infrastructure Training and Competence Centre) training and learning programs.

This joint initiative will be led by TTC director Dr. Tom Iseley and S&P CEO Dr. Robert Stein.

The UNITRACC e-learning program is a unique knowledge portal that uses a huge library of media types such as photos, animations, videos, graphics, simulations, etc. to provide support for professionals throughout their careers. This knowledge network has been developed over a 20-year timeline and is designed for professionals in all segments of the water sector. It is a demand-oriented knowledge transfer platform to provide immediate support for decision-making responsibilities in all job related situations including design, construction, operation and maintenance, and management.

Iseley will serve as the international director for He is well known for his global leadership related to underground infrastructure. TTC has strengthened their international leadership during the past couple of years. For example, in China, TTC has established agreements with:

  • The China University of Geosciences in Wuhan

  • Xi’an Jiaotong University in Xi’an

  • Institute of Geosciences and Environment in Wuhan

  • Tianjin Qingcheng Water

Iseley believes that this joint initiative is a major milestone in meeting the challenge of the considerable lack of knowledge about solutions for construction, rehabilitation and management. The more qualified and informed the decision-maker, the higher the chances for the selection of the most appropriate techniques and concepts.

Currently, TTC has established the following educational and training programs:

  • TTC provides technical and administrative services to the Buried Asset Management Institute-International (BAMI-I) and manages the BAMI-I CTAM (Certification of Training for Asset Management) program. ( )

  • TTC Specialty School programs which consists of three to five days on extensive training on topics such as Auger Boring and Utility Investigations. ( )

  • TTC Trenchless Mini Seminar program. This program was launched during the spring 2016 as part of a senior level undergraduate capstone project driven course at LA Tech. The project selected was a large microtunneling project in Canada. More than eight industry leaders from eight organizations came to Ruston, La., to provide instruction. In addition, to the course students, all students in Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering Technology and industry representatives were invited. This program was well received and has been expanded for the fall 2016 semester for a graduate/undergraduate introduction to trenchless technology where more than 18 industry from 15 organizations leaders will come to Ruston, to provide instruction on a wide range of topics.

RELATED: TTC Offering Mini-Seminars as Part of Fall Trenchless Technology Course

Dr. Iseley states that “It is very exciting to see how the trenchless industry is partnering with TTC at LA Tech to provide our industry’s future decision makers with maximum exposure to the trenchless industry.”

In summer 2016, TTC Launched a Global Pipeline Internship Program where Iseleysent two graduate students from LA Tech to HK Polytechnic University and was the host of two students from HK Polytechnic University in LA Tech. They helped TTC in Utility Investigations School (UIS) that was held at LA Tech on Aug. 15-19.

With the addition of the program, Iseley believes that a major gap in access to decision-making educational support with a demand-driven knowledge portal will have a significant impact with advancing the underground infrastructure industry through making sure that the right amount of money is being spent doing the right things at the right time.

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