Inland Pipe Rehabilitation Adds Jobs, Moves into HQ in Southwest

Inland Pipe Rehabilitation’s staff is up by 10 percent so far this year and the infrastructure firm expects to increase its payroll another 10-15 percent by the end of the year, according to

Today the company employs 404 people across the U.S. Of those about 100 are in Detroit. That’s up from about 65 the last time we touched base with Inland Pipe Rehabilitation last summer.

Back then the company had just moved into new digs at the Beal Building in downtown. Now it’s in the process of moving into its new, even bigger headquarters on the city’s southwest side. Inland Pipe Rehabilitation recently took over an old plastic parts plant near the corner of Michigan Avenue and Clark Street and invested close to $1 million in its 50,000 square feet, turning it into its new home.

“It’s also our Great Lakes area region and contract office,” says Joe Cutillo, president and CEO of Inland Pipe Rehabilitation. That means it will service Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania.

The firm specializes in replacing major parts of the country’s rapidly aging infrastructure like water and sewer lines. It has a long track record of doing such work in Detroit.

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