INFRA 2006 Set for November
The 12th annual Urban Infrastructure Week will take place Nov. 20-22 at theLoews Le Concorde Hotel in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
INFRA 2006 is an annual event for approximately 1,000 stakeholders acrossCanada and around the world involved directly in municipal infrastructurerehabilitation, such as municipal managers, engineers, technicians, consultingengineer firms and consultants. Organizers anticipate 1,000 participants.
During the three-day event, there will be 16 workshops, focusing onmanagement and infrastructure rehabilitation and more than 100 speakers fromCanada and abroad. The technical workshops will focus on undergroundinfrastructures, municipal pavements and public utilities. There will also be 18exhibiting companies, as well as simultaneous interpretation in English andFrench to participants of all INFRA 2006 activities.
For more information, contact Mélanie Destrempes, coordinator communicationand events at or Ph: at (514) 848-9885, Ext:270.