InfoSense Wins Most Innovative Product Award in Australia

The Water Industry Operator’s Association in Queensland, Australia recently named InfoSense’s the Sewer Line Rapid Assessment Tool (SL-RAT) the Most Innovative Product at its recent  tradeshow, held June 4-5.

The SL-RAT provides utility operators with a new tool to quickly screen their sewer lines for blockage conditions using patented acoustic technology.  The SL-RAT was chosen from products exhibited by 100 exhibitors and was seen by more than 800 industry participants.

InfoSense CEO Dr. George Selembo, P.E. commented, “We are honored the SL-RAT was selected as the most innovative product by the WIOA at its recent tradeshow.  This provides further evidence that the SL-RAT fits the needs of wastewater collection system operators around the world to reduce sanitary sewer overflows more effectively and efficiently.”

The award was accepted by Aaron Goth of Austeck on behalf of InfoSense.  Austeck is the exclusive distribution partner for the SL-RAT in Australia and New Zealand.

InfoSense, Inc. manufactures the SL-RAT in Charlotte, N.C. The SL-RAT has inspected more than 8 million ft of municipal sewer pipe around the world – reducing sewer overflows and saving customers millions of dollars.

Austeck is the largest supplier and the leading service and support provider for pipeline inspection equipment in Australia.
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