How to Save Time and Money When Fusing in the Field
On the job, time is money, and machine downtime can quickly add up to thousands of dollars in unnecessary costs. To shorten the time lost by machine issues, McElroy has added the capability for remote diagnostics on the TracStar® iSeries fusion machines.
When fusing with these machines, operators and contractors around the world can work directly with McElroy tech support if there’s a problem with the machine or fusion process.
Using a hotspot, fusion operators can allow McElroy technicians to remotely connect to the TracStar iSeries, accessing the fusion machine’s full CAN traffic. By essentially “seeing what the machine sees,” tech support can then provide help more quickly, whether the issue is directly related to the machine or other factors. For remote or rural sites, this ability to work remotely with the machine can mean hours, or even days, saved. Visit to learn more about the TracStar iSeries.
Larissa Copeland
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