Heading to ASCE Pipelines? Inaugural Pipeline Management 5k Set for Aug. 23
August 19, 2015
The first event in a planned annual series of run/walks to benefit
Water for People is taking place Sunday, Aug. 23, in Baltimore. Called the “Pipeline Management 5k,” the first race is to take place in Baltimore’s famous Inner Harbor beginning at 8 a.m. It is anticipated that approximately 100 people will participate all aiming to emphasize the importance of proactively managing our buried water infrastructure. The ultimate objective is to highlight the importance of our nation’s buried water infrastructure management. The race coincides with the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Pipelines 2015 Conference at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront from Aug. 23 to 26. Nearly 1,000 pipeline professionals will attend the conference most of which are focused water and wastewater pipelines.
Additionally, the City of Baltimore is significantly increasing its investment in proactive pipeline management by implementing a multiyear program to proactively inspect the condition of its water pipelines, so hosting the event in Baltimore helps raise the visibility of investing in infrastructure among local leaders. This investment will allow the city to identify and fix problematic locations to ensure the integrity of the buried water infrastructure.
For more information, visit http://www.pipelinemanagement5k.com.