HDPE Pipe Seminars Focus on Drinking Water System Solutions

For the sixth straight year, manufacturing experts andengineers from across the United States will educate participants on aspects ofdesign and installation of HDPE piping systems for water, sewer and industrialapplications at the Plastics Pipe Institute’s (PPI) one-day seminars. PPI is theindustry’s source for information on drinking water system solutions.

The seminars will be conducted in Tampa, Fla., on Sept. 18 and in Vancouver,B.C., on Nov. 16.

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Hundreds of water system designers, civil engineers, public works specifiersand utility managers have already taken advantage of PPI’s series of one-dayseminars on “Designing and Installing High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) PipingSystems.”

Specific topics at the seminars will include engineering properties anddesign, joining, system connections and sliplining.

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The seminars are recommended for municipal and consulting engineers,contractors and academia as each seminar features leading experts who can speakto how HDPE pipe is the ideal material for numerous applications. HDPE pipe isvirtually leak-free, easy to install and cost-effective.

Each seminar participant receives a copy of the PPI Handbook of PolyethylenePipe, a comprehensive instructional manual covering a wide range of applicationsand problem-solving solutions for users of polyethylene pipe. Participants alsoare offered 0.7 Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

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Sign up or get additional information on an individual seminar by e-mailingPPI at Mgray@plasticpipe.org. More information is available atwww.plasticpipe.org.

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