HDD Academy Meets in the Desert
The sixth annual HDD Academy convened in Scottsdale, Arizona, Feb. 10-11, as horizontal directional drilling experts dropped a whole lot of knowledge to their audience who gathered at the Talking Stick Resort.
Benjamin Media once again teamed with Arizona State University’s Del E. Webb School of Construction, to put this informative and well-respected training event.
The 2021 HDD Academy plans are under way with dates and location to be finalized soon.
HDD continues to grow as the primary choice for owners when confronted with river, road and railway crossings or situations requiring minimal disruption to surface activities. The technique provides a less-disruptive method and, oftentimes, a lower-cost opportunity for utility pipeline installations. The goal of the HDD Academy is to establish an annual learning platform for owners, regulators, contractors and engineers focusing on the options and opportunities for future utility pipeline projects.
Arizona State University awards 1.8 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) upon successful completion of the course. Registration is limited in order to provide quality networking with HDD industry leaders and maintain a low student-instructor ratio.
“The HDD market continues to grow and with this growth comes a quest by drillers for commercial-free training to gain knowledge that will, in turn, make them better drillers,” says BMI president Robert Krzys, who spearheads this annual event with Dr. Sam Ariaratnam of Arizona State University. “Attendees have the opportunities to learn from the industry experts and gain information from those who lead the HDD industry.”
“The recent HDD Academy was a success as it once again brought together stakeholders from various sectors of the industry to learn about and discuss horizontal directional drilling. I am particularly pleased by the quality of attendees that continue to attend the event and the support of our industry sponsors,” says Ariaratnam.
HDD Academy program instructors are all industry leaders who covered numerous topics including HDD contracts and specifications; estimating; designing projects for specific pipe materials; drilling fluids; locating; damage prevention; and case studies covering HDD installations for several pipe materials, Direct Pipe installations and installations for specific utilities.
Attendees were treated to two networking events, allowing them to interact with their HDD colleagues outside the classroom setting. The first was a Welcome Reception, sponsored by LaValley Industries, on Feb. 9, a new event for the academy. There was also an informal networking reception held on Feb. 10, following the day’s presentations, sponsored by Laney Group Inc.
Additional sponsors to this conference were: Herrenknecht Tunnelling Systems, Digital Control Inc., Underground Solutions, Bentonite Performance Minerals, Drilling Mud Direct, Vermeer, Ditch Witch, Derrick Equipment, American Augers, and Numa Hammers & Bits.
Benjamin Media Inc is a multi-faceted business-to-business media company in markets ranging from construction to water infrastructure. It is dedicated to meeting the expectations of its readers, advertisers, vendors and all stakeholders in the markets it serves. BMI has found success identifying and promoting emerging markets through quality publications and innovative exhibitions and conference programs. BMI currently publishes eight trade magazines: Compact Equipment, NASTT’s Trenchless Today, North American Oil and Gas Pipelines, Pipe Cleaning PRO, Solar Builder, TBM: Tunnel Business Magazine, Trenchless Technology, Water Finance & Management and Utility Contractor.
The Del E. Webb School of Construction (DEWSC) is housed within the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University and is one of the top Construction programs in the country. Established in 1957, the DEWSC is home to Construction Management and Construction Engineering degree programs. Currently, there are 17 full-time faculty members and over 400 undergraduate and graduate students in the School. Recently, the DEWSC moved into a new $55 Million, 130,000-sq ft, state-of-the art facility in Tempe, Arizona.
For more information, visit hddacademy.com. For future sponsorship opportunities, contact Brittany Cline at bcline@benjaminmedia.com.