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Geospatial Holdings, Inc. (OTCBB: GSPH), a developer and producer of technologies and services for managing underground pipeline assets, is spotlighted in an article on titled, “Pentagon-Backed Venture Aims for ‘Google Underground.’”

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Wired writer Katie Drummond reports “Just last month, the Pentagon’s risk-taking research arm, DARPA, announced plans for a program called ‘Transparent Earth’. They’re spending $4 million this year on preliminary plans for a digital, 3D map that would display “the physical, chemical and dynamic properties of the earth down to 5 kilometer depth.” Drummond points out that Geospatial Corp. is already doing this. She notes, “The company’s growing library of data has caught the military’s eye. The Pentagon has already contracted Geospatial to create 3D maps of the deep earth beneath their ‘critical facilities.’ The data would be useful in case of terrorist attack, natural disaster, or, of course, a power outage or sewage leak.”

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Drummond continues, “Little surprise, then, that homeland security firms are also interested. Geospatial announced a partnership today with Ridge Global, a firm founded by former Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge, which “provides strategic and operational services that advance the security and economic interests of businesses and governments worldwide.”

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The story can be found in the “Danger Room: What’s Next in National Security” section of the Web site, at: -more-23082

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About Geospatial Holdings Inc.

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Geospatial Holdings Inc., a Pittsburgh-based company, through its wholly owned subsidiaries across the United States, is a solutions provider for the underground infrastructure industry. Using proven mapping and locating systems technologies, we successfully and accurately map XYZ centerline coordinates and create three-dimensional maps and Geographic Information System (GIS) databases. Geospatial is the exclusive provider of innovative, proprietary technologies and services throughout North America, South America and Australia.

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As the number of underground systems increases and the need for replacing aging subsurface infrastructure continues, it is critical to identify the specific location of the utilities and conduits to assist in modifications, upgrades, retrofits, and replacements. Geospatial’s technology gives its clients in the oil and gas, electric, municipal services (water and sewer), telecommunications, electrical transmission, GIS and Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) markets fast, cost-effective solutions, which minimize disruptions while enhancing customer satisfaction. Geospatial also offers solutions and technology to industry service providers including engineers, consultants and constructors regarding critical infrastructure issues.

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