Fuquay Inc. Wins 2004 ROQ Award

FuquayInc. has been named the 2005 winner of the ROQ Award, presented annually bySprayroq Inc. to the Sprayroq Certified Partner that demonstrates the greatestgrowth, market coverage and quality performance for the previous year.

The award was announced at the annual meeting of Sprayroq Partners by companypresident Jerry Gordon.

With offices in Austin and New Braunfels, Texas,Fuquay is an environmental and erosion control contractor that serves Centraland South Texas. A division of its business is dedicated to coating new andexisting manholes, lift stations and other underground structures usingSprayroq’s protective cured-in-place spray coatings.

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“It’s always good to see one of our Certified Partners succeed,” said Gordon.“We’re especially pleased to see how Fuquay has built this segment of itsbusiness, while addressing a growing need for infrastructure protection andrepair in many communities.

“A big part of our business is underground utility construction,” said JohnFuquay, vice president of Fuquay Inc. “Because owners can see the kind of wearand tear that is placed on manholes, lift stations and other undergroundstructures, they’ve become aware of the value of protecting them with a durableliner while they are still new. We’re also seeing increased needs torehabilitate existing structures that have deteriorated over years of use.”

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Sprayroq’s NSF-approved coating products are formulated to provide bothstructural and chemical resistance to these structures, including potable waterand sanitary sewer systems, tanks, manholes, pump stations, lift stations andwet wells. In the case of exisiting structures, the coatings can be installedwithout digging up the original, making them more convenient and less disruptiveto a community.

Other finalists for this award were Affholder Inc., Bessemer, Ala., MooreConstruction, Clarksville, Tenn., and Slaughter Construction, Gulf Shores,Ala.

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