City of Irving, Texas Awards Water and Wastewater Improvement Projects to RJN Group Inc.

Due to deteriorating water and wastewater lines, the City of Irving, Texas, has awarded an engineering services contract to the consulting civil engineering firm, RJN Group Inc. to design the Sam Hill, Millswood, Hidalgo, La Vida and Las Colinas Country Club Water and Wastewater Improvements Project.

RJN will design an estimated 25,910 lf of replacement and/or rehabilitation for water mains ranging in size from 6- to 8-in. diameter pipe and 22,220 lf of wastewater mains, ranging in size from 6- to 10-in. diameter pipe.

RJN will be a part of each phase of the project including an Alignment Study (if needed), the Preliminary Design, Intermediate Design, Final Design, and Construction.

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