Aries camera

Choosing a Sewer Inspection Camera? We’ve Got Some Tips

The good news when shopping for a sewer inspection camera is that you have choices. The bad news is that you have many factors to consider to make the right pick. Below are some of the questions you should consider before deciding which pipeline inspection camera will work for you. Keep in mind the size and accessibility of the pipes you will be inspecting!

Questions to Consider

What’s the zoom range? The right zoom range will vary depending on the job environment. Narrow pipes limit the distance you can see and pipe bends and sags limit how much light you can project. Both of these mean a reduced need for maximum zoom. Conversely, larger storm drains allow you to see further down the pipe. In this case, you would be able to zoom more and should look for that capability.

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Does the camera have LED lighting? LEDs provide longer life and you don’t have to worry about burning them out since they don’t run hot and have built-in trip circuits.

What type of pressurization does it have? Electronics and moisture do not go well together. Inspection cameras operate in wet conditions or in high humidity and are often subjected to nighttime dew. Verify whether the camera is pressurized with nitrogen or air. We recommend nitrogen since it is a dry gas, which keeps the electronics dry with positive pressure.

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Does the camera have in-the-pipe lens cleaning? Sewer inspections often happen in tandem with pipe cleaning. If the sewer camera is following a jetting nozzle, the lens may get spotted with water marks that block the view of the pipe. Grease in the flow may leave a sheen on the lens that obscures the view. If the camera is equipped with lens cleaning technology, like the Aries WiperCam™, you will not have to retrieve the camera to clean it. This is key to maximize your time in the pipe.

Asking the right questions when you are shopping for a sewer inspection camera can help make sure you have the best equipment for the job at hand. Final tip…be sure that you are working with a reputable manufacturer, like Aries Industries.

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