CCGA Hosting International Damage Prevention Symposium
The Canadian Common Ground Alliance (CCGA) will host the 2021 CCGA International Damage Prevention Symposium Nov. 16-18 as a virtual event.
This event is a signature event for the CCGA, annually attracting more than 265 damage prevention management professionals and decision makers including stakeholder groups such as oil and gas, municipalities, telecommunications, emergency management, electrical transmission/distribution, surveyors and provincial regulators.
Because of the virtual nature of the event, the CCGA has expanded the content and delegate list beyond its borders to discuss international damage prevention challenges, public awareness initiatives and expand stakeholder knowledge to protect essential underground infrastructure across the globe.
The format for the conference consists of three days of professional development, workshops, panel presentations, networking events, along with an exhibitor tradeshow. The agenda will include topics covering:
– Underground Mapping in Global Regions
– Training Requirements for Utility LSPs
– Release of Utility Maps vs. Dispatching Locate Service Providers
– Global Success Stories in the Reduction of Damages
Municipal delegates can attend the event for free courtesy of the Canadian chapters of the Utility Engineering & Surveying Institute (UESI) and the Centre for Advancement of Trenchless Technologies (CATT). Email for more information on this opportunity.
For more information about the CCGA International Damage Prevention Symposium, including exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities, visit