Caterpillar Foundation

Caterpillar Foundation Commits $8.5M to Global COVID-19 Response Efforts 

As the events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic continue to evolve rapidly, the Caterpillar Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Caterpillar Inc., announced it is committing $8.5 million to support global communities, including underserved populations, who are affected by the virus.

The Foundation’s investment will support nonprofit organizations who are working to help prevent, detect and respond to the pandemic; providing resources to hospitals, medical staff and patients; addressing food insecurity; and enabling online STEM and coding education for youth impacted by school closures.

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“These investments are an important expression of our company’s values,” said Jim Umpleby, Caterpillar chairman and CEO. “As we all work together to fight the pandemic, the Foundation’s resources will provide essential support in communities around the world.”

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The Caterpillar Foundation is also expanding its existing U.S. Matching Gifts Program to provide a 2:1 match on employee and retiree donations made to eligible nonprofits beginning March 16 through May 1, 2020.

“The Caterpillar Foundation is focused on building more sustainable and resilient communities, helping them emerge stronger together during this unprecedented time,” said Asha Varghese, Caterpillar Foundation president. “Our employees and retirees give so generously, and we are proud to amplify their gifts and support our many nonprofit partners working tirelessly to keep our communities safe and prosperous.”

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The Foundation’s $8.5 million investment is being distributed among a number of organizations and COVID-19 funds around the world, including:

  • United Nations Foundation / World Health Organization Solidarity Response Fund;

  • King Baudouin Foundation Fund for Italy;

  • Global Foodbanking Network Global Fund;

  • Feeding America Response Fund;

  • Boys & Girls Clubs of America; and

  • Illinois COVID-19 Response Fund.

Earlier this year, the Foundation made a $250,000 donation to the China Women’s Development Foundation to provide healthcare facilities with critical medical protective materials in China’s Hubei province, where the outbreak initially occurred. In addition to these organizations, the Foundation is collaborating with our global facilities to support local nonprofits contributing to the COVID-19 response efforts.

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The Caterpillar Foundation is also a member of the American Red Cross Annual Disaster Giving Program (ADGP). This program provides a funding base that allows the Red Cross to respond immediately to the needs of individuals and families impacted by disasters in the United States and around the world. Through our ADGP support, the American Red Cross is able to help people prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters around the world in partnership with international Red Cross societies, including assisting the International Federation of Red Cross as it coordinates a global response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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SOURCE – Caterpillar

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