Business Briefs: AwwaRF Outlines $15 Million Research Agenda

The Water Research Foundation, the world’s largest non-profit foundation devoted to drinking water research, recently announced a 2010 research budget of $6.25 million. These funds, representing fees from the Foundation’s subscribers and Congressional funding, will be leveraged with in-kind support and partnerships to a total research value of $15 million.

Approximately one-third of the funding will go toward three targeted areas: climate change; distribution system water quality; and endocrine-disrupting compounds/pharmaceuticals and personal care products. The Foundation will devote $600,000 in funding to its Unsolicited Research Program, a program that promotes basic and fundamental research on original concepts and novel techniques. The Foundation also approved $665,000 for projects within its Tailored Collaboration Program, under which utility subscribers can gain matching grants for research ideas. 

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